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Marquez suffers diplopia due to warm up crash

On Sunday the 20th of March, the Repsol Honda Team rider Marc Marquez was declared unfit for the Indonesian Grand Prix, held at the Pertamina Mandalika Circuit, after suffering a nasty highside at Turn 7 during Warm Up prior to the race.

During the journey back to Spain, Marc Marquez began to experience discomfort with his vision and upon his arrival in Barcelona on Monday, he had an emergency visit to the Hospital Clinic de Barcelona with his trusted ophthalmologist, Dr. Sanchez Dalmau, who after an examination confirmed a relapse in the diplopia that the rider suffered last November.

The Spaniard visited his medical team earlier this week, led by Dr. Samuel Antuña, at the Ruber Internacional Hospital in Madrid, where Marquez underwent a general medical check-up to evaluate all the bruises caused by the crash and a brain MRI. This has reconfirmed that he did not suffer any other injuries.

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